

Watershed moments are critical pathways and threshold moments in our lives. They can happen to us, and we react, or,  we can become grounded in a deeper reality to guide this moment and, the many internal streams of consciousness and creativity into a single mighty river of being. This is the deliberate cultivation of the practices that redefine who we are and how we live.

Knowing deep in your bones that change is needed in life are you ready to show up more fully in your life?

Do you want to create work that fulfills your heart, excites your brain and ignites your passion?

Are you a leader, an entrepreneur, an innovator or a minister, a homemaker or an artist? Do you want to lead a life that enables you and the people around you to thrive? Are you willing to go on a journey to seek and find your inner truth? Are you willing to gain the knowledge and skills that will support and sustain your life’s journey?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, then I invite you to explore a coaching and/ or  spiritual wellness conversation. In these conversations you will work with successful heart-centered practices that contribute to success in transforming your life and work.

As founder of Watershed Ways, I  have been transformed through watershed moments and have led men and women through life changing work as well as organizational transformation.  I offer life and business coaching as well as conversations for spiritual wellness.

If you are in the midst of career changes or life transitions and are ready to forge a connection to your purpose in life then contact me! Learn to live from your heart’s center, gain practical tools to support your change journey. Embrace your heart’s true home while fostering a connection between who you are and what you do.

You can get started right now!

For a free consultation send a message through our secure contact page.

 Watershed Ways: Transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary.